Las Vegas, which means meadows in Spanish, was established as a city in the year 1905.
Establishment of the city was important because when iron spring clustered in this area, which was actually a desert, Las Vegas turned into an ideal refueling and rest stop.
However, soon the water supply proved inadequate to support the approximately 800 residents of the city and about a century ago the water spring started drying up when the population increased at an excessive rate following the growth of the gaming industry.
At present, Las Vegas is struggling a lot to meet its energy and water needs for the city’s more than 500,000 citizens and for 30 million tourists who come to the Sin City every year. Some of them choose this place to spend vacations but a majority of the tourists come here to enjoy the Strip’s excesses.
Climate of Las Vegas
The climate of Las Vegas is both a hot desert and a subtropical type because of the Mojave Desert on which the city lies actually. Throughout the year, Las Vegas enjoys good sunshine almost every day. The average rate of sunny days every year is about 300 and the total number of hours of sunshine in a year is 3,800.
The summer season that continues from June to September is very dry and mostly hot and then the average temperature goes up to 92.6 degree C. However during night, temperature goes down to 80 degree C. Winter stays there for a very short period (Only November and December).
December is the coolest month in winter and during December, the temperature goes down to only 47 degree C. The mountains that surround the city mount up snow when it is winter but it is a rare scenario to observe. Only in the Las Vegas valley, snowfall continues for more than one week.
Economy of Las Vegas
Economical and financial growth of Las Vegas depends on three pillars:
• Gaming,
• Tourism
• Conventions
The development of these three industries in turn promotes the growth of the restaurant, hotel and retail industries.
The hotels and casinos of Las Vegas are mostly located in the downtown area which always attract Tourists. Downtown, most of the casinos are located in Fremont Street and the Stratosphere is the biggest of all those casinos.
At present, bars are being developed alongside the casinos to entertain the different demographic of people visiting Las Vegas. It also helps in creating new attractions in the city, other than the Strip.
But the Sin City is not casinos, they also have great restaurants, shows, discotheques and even museums. This is not the type of place where you would get your diabetes treatment, as the temptations are too high to keep your sugar level under control.
Why Las Vegas is a City Of Joy
Las Vegas is the city that offers at least something to everyone and while visiting the city one must not miss any of the best attractions of the Sin City as this will keep the trip incomplete. Las Vegas’ Strip is a world famous place that allows visitors to enjoy a cool walk on the hot desert, to take a stroll through downtown to enjoy the vibrating, dazzling lights of the city.
If you don’t visit the Strip you will miss the world’s famous recreations such as erupting volcanoes, the Egypt Sphinx and the Eiffel Tower (the light made replica of the original monuments) that are situated in front of most of the casinos and the hotels. And of course you should at least make one stop in one of the casinos and try one of the games, like Texas Holdem or blackjack.
Tourism in Las Vegas offers top-notch entertainment that includes concerts and shows, different attractions and world famous resorts. Nightlife in Las Vegas includes music show, art displays and special desert trips. There are several museums (both historical and entertainment) to enlighten all members of the family, including kids.
Downtown Las Vegas offers an energetic display of different colors with a touch of nostalgia and of course a glimpse of the city’s future.
A bold approach
The casinos are the best attraction of the city, but the growth of this industry is to some extend being responsible for its declining condition as well. Actually, every year the casino gamblers generate more than 5,000 tons of waste that is again deposited to the land fills that increase pollution levels.
Las Vegas is already suffering from water scarcity and the remaining water bodies are further getting polluted due to increasing pollution level. However, the casino authorities have taken a bold approach to save the industry and the city together. If they succeed in this approach, Las Vegas can overcome water scarcity issue in future.
Most of the casinos now have back-house sorting stores where they recover these wastes to utilize them for other purposes. The casinos are including professionals who help in retrieving aluminum, paper and plastic products from the rubbish. They then compact the rubbish in bales that are ready to be sold in nearby markets.
Food wastes are either being send to the closer pig farms or in composted. Environment experts around the world are appreciating this bold approach.